加拿大玩具律例CCPSA認證 亚马逊加拿大站起頭對玩具施行强迫性檢測請求
請求原文以下:Submit documents
Testreport from an ISO 17025-accredited testing laboratory confirming that each product was tested and meets these requirements, if applicable: Canada Toys Regulations(SOR/2011-17), Consumer Products Containing Lead Regulations 減肥茶,(SOR/2018-83), Phthalates Regulations(SOR/2016-188), Surface Coating Materials Regulations(SOR/2016-193), Small Parts Warning, Age Grading and Applicable Warning Labels.
The document must meet the following requirements:
Must be issue橙汁機,d by a ISO 17025-accredited testing laboratory
Must show passing test results for all applicable Canadian toy standards
SOR/2011-17 物理機器 参考ASTM F963-1/EN71-1
SOR/2018-83 总铅含量測試 参考ASTM F963 sec 8.3
SOR/2016-188 邻苯二盐(8P) 参考CPS跟腱炎貼膏,C-CH-C1001-09.4
SOR/2016-193 涂层中铅含量 参考CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1
Small Parts Warning:3岁以上利用必要標注小部件警示语
Age Grading:必要在包装上表現利用春秋段
Applicable Warning Labels :好比小部件警示语,分歧產物警示属性纷歧样。
ISO 17025-accredited testing laboratory(CNAS實行室)